Become a KSPCA sustaining supporter by setting up monthly giving

Why become a sustaining supporter?

Setting up a monthly giving dontation  is an easy way to make sure that your donation reaches the KSPCA on a regular basis. Getting regular, predictable donations means the world to us. We have routine monthly operating expenses that are vital to our work, such as animal feeds, medical expenses and salaries for field inspectors and animal caretakers. It can be hard to raise money for these costs and the commitment of a regular contribution – however small – helps us cover these essential costs and plan for the future.

Frequently Asked Questions: monthly giving

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Why give monthly by M-Pesa standing order?

You can contribute regularly to the KSPCA through various means – direct debit from your bank, MChanga etc. They may also be great options. However, if you have an MPesa account, it is the easiest way to do it.

What is an MPesa standing order and how do i set it up?

A standing order is an instruction to MPesa to pay an amount of your choosing on a regular basis. There are a few steps to set it up, but once you have done it, you will never have to think about it again!

1. You need to start by opting in to MPesa Ratiba. Dial *334#and select option 9 – Ratiba. Then select opt in and accept the conditions. This enables you to do a standing order to anywhere in the future, so you will never have to do it again.
2. Once this is done you will again dial *334#and select option 9 – Ratiba. Select option 1 – create standing order.
3. Select option 2 – pay bill. Enter the amount you wish to pay monthly.
4. Enter business number 681727 – the Nairobi KSPCA account or enter business number 4134469 - the Mombasa KSPCA account
5. Enter account number – your name.
6. Enter name of standing order – whatever you want to call it. This is for your future use in case you want to change it.
7. Enter the start and end dates
8. Select frequency.
9. Confirm the details.
10. Enter your PIN to authorise. You should get an sms message confirming the details.
In the app, it’s easier. Download the M-Pesa app and look for MPesa Ratiba under financial services or services, then press + to add a standing order using the info above.

What happens then?

The amount set by you will be deducted on the date that you specified without any further input from you. You will get a message confirming this has happened, like any other MPesa payment. A lot of people like to make the payment on a day when they know they will have received salary or other regular payment into their account. If you don’t have enough money in the account the standing order will not go through.

What is a direct debit and how do I set it up?

A direct debit is a facility that authorises the KSPCA to request a monthly payment from your bank regularly every month. It’s easy to set up. You will need to fill a mandate form including your bank details and specifying how much you want to donate and when you want the regular payment to be deducted. Then the KSPCA will do the rest. It can take some days to set up the facility. Normally the first payment will be made in the month following the signing of the mandate.

Why do it by a direct debit?

You can contribute regularly to the KSPCA through various means – standing order, international card or M-Pesa. The second two options are available through our website. However, if you have a Kenyan bank account, direct debit is the easiest and most efficient way to do it.

How much will be deducted from my account and when?

You will tell us how much you feel able to donate every month and when would be the best time for the payment to be made. A lot of people like to make the payment on a day when they know they will have received salary or other regular payment into their account. Your bank may also charge for this service – see next.

1. Set-up your M-Pesa standing order

About MPESA standing order donations

You can manage your standing order at any time by dialling *334#9 and selecting manage standing order or opt out.  
MPesa may make a small charge depending on the amount. 
For various reasons, MPesa does not share the contact information of the person paying the standing order with the KSPCA. If you are contributing KES 500 or more per month and would like to become a member, please let us know on and we will process your membership.   

2. Set-up direct debit

You simply complete and sign a form instructing your bank and we will do the rest.

Direct Debit

Your bank may charge a small amount for this service, depending on the type of account you have. This can be about KES 100. The KSPCA’s bank, I & M Bank Ltd, also charges a small fee to the KSPCA but has generously agreed to minimize these fees so that as much as possible goes to animal welfare. If we bear in mind that other methods, such as M-Pesa or standing orders, can also attract fees, this is a cost-effective way to donate. 
If you need to cancel your direct debit, you just need to get in touch with the KSPCA and advise us. We will then process the cancellation with our bank. As with all banking processes, it can take a few days to be effective.  
In the unlikely event of an error, or if you wish to make a change to the date or amount of the donation, please let us know as soon as possible and we will follow up and make the necessary corrections or changes.

Fill in the Direct Mandate form

Upload your filled form

    Write us for more information on donations